Welcome to Terms page, the purpose of this page is to enhance the support services to accommodate our customers and to deal with their queries promptly and effectively. The information contained here within this page is for customer’s guidance and to make it as easy as possible for them acquisition of quality products. Please read the following terms & conditions carefully.


Customer Queries

We are fully dedicated to ensure that all of our customers receive timely responses to their queries but please make sure to include your name, address, tel/fax and valid email address while sending your query. You may contact us by email, telephone or can write us at our postal address but due to the high volume of customer service inquiries, we highly recommend to email your queries.


Product Quotation

Our price quote service makes it easy to find the best deal for your business. Just make a request and receive price quote of any product. All prices quotes are subject to interbank rates of exchange and will be valid for 15 days. Prices & delivery times offered in any quotation are commercial estimates only and don’t bind on us and may be withdrawn at any time.


Order Acceptance

Once price is accepted and converted into an order, your order will handle as per normal terms and conditions. We accept order by email/tel and you must include full details and specifications of order. However we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order for any reason.


Min Order Quantity

We have no obligation of minimum order quantity, you can place an order from singles to thousands for virtually of any design or several designs required.


Product Packaging

We pack all products in such a manner and with such materials and in such quantity as it, in its discretion, thinks fit.


Payment Terms

No order will be accepted without advance payment, all orders should include payment covering full amount of invoice. You can pay by wire transfer directly to our bank account. Once we receive payment you will be advised about delivery time of your order.


Delivery & Shipping Charges

Custom orders are normally dispatch between 20 to 25 working days however bulk quantity orders are ship within stipulated time. Shipping charges levy as per weight of your order and add in invoice separately. We use our normal shipping method, unless otherwise indicated by customer.