Complete Design & Manufacturing Service

We can offer you complete customized designing & manufacturing service, creating entirely new products that meet your exact needs and requirements. Our manufacturing facilities offer reliable, flexible and timely production whether custom requirement is small or large. This customization work can provide a cost effective solution with the assurance of tried and tested design platform.


Customized Products Process

We make it easy for you to order top-notch customized products in just a few easy steps. Nothing complicated, no hidden costs, just one all-inclusive solution..

01 - Requirements Analysis

Requirements analysis helps us to understand customers’ design and product requirements before we move forward with them. Requirement analysis is an extremely important stage that determines the success of product customization.


02 - Proposal

We provide expert recommendations to our customers with proposal and feasibility based on their requirements to ensure they have all the information they need to make their decision.


03 - Creative Design

We initiate work on the creative and artwork side of the product after getting customer’s endorsement. Our designers are creative and experts in product integration, yet bounded by manufacturing and project constraints.


04 - Sample Development

Once design gets customer’s approval, we initiate work on samples production. Our integrated manufacturing facilities and experienced team allow us to transform design into a tangible product for customer quality evaluation.


05 - Manufacturing & QC

Our modern reliable production facilities and our rigorous quality control in all stages of production ensure finished product quality & durability. Flexible timely production details are shared with the customer throughout the entire process.


06 - Always Connected

We always stay connected with our customers ensuring that we continue to evolve our products to match our customer’s needs. Without compromise on quality, from prototype to manufacturing to shipping, we provide you with efficient high-quality OEM services. We will be honored to learn more about your goals and develop products for you.